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DIEGO FUSARO: Philosophy and critique in Karl Marx
DIEGO FUSARO: Karl Marx. Philosophy and Critique of Political Economy
DIEGO FUSARO: Karl Marx's Philosophical Idealism
DIEGO FUSARO: Karl Marx and the fully developed individual
DIEGO FUSARO: Karl Marx was Right. Ideology, alienation, capitalism
DIEGO FUSARO: Kant, Hegel, Marx and the acceleration of history
DIEGO FUSARO: Reasons why the absolute post bourgeois capitalism hates Hegel and Marx
DIEGO FUSARO: Heidegger and Marx. A Comparison
DIEGO FUSARO: The Idealism of Karl Marx, according to Giovanni Gentile
DIEGO FUSARO: With Marx and Hegel, against capitalism and new world order
DIEGO FUSARO: Marx and Engels, "Manifesto of the Communist Party" (1848). An Introduction
DIEGO FUSARO: Gramsci and Marx today would fights with the people against the financial elite [La7]